NCERT Class 6 English Poorvi Chapter 16 Question Answer National War Memorial

Let us do these activities (Page 161)

Question 1:
Read the poem aloud.
This is a classroom activity. The teacher will help students read the poem aloud with the correct pronunciation.

Question 2:
Recite the poem with your classmates and teacher.
This is also a classroom activity. Before reciting the poem, the teacher will explain its meaning and theme, so everyone understands it better.

Question 3:
Remember the poem.
This is a classroom activity where students will memorize the poem and learn its important message.

Let us explore (Page 161)

Question 1:
Visit the website of the National War Memorial and learn more about it.
The National War Memorial in New Delhi is a place built to honor the soldiers of the Indian Armed Forces who died while serving the country. It was opened on February 25, 2019. The memorial is spread across 40 acres and has four main circles:

  1. Amar Chakra (Circle of Immortality)
  2. Veerta Chakra (Circle of Bravery)
  3. Tyag Chakra (Circle of Sacrifice)
  4. Rakshak Chakra (Circle of Protection)

More than 25,000 names of soldiers are engraved on the walls of the memorial.

Question 2:
Plan a visit to the National War Memorial with your teacher/parents.
Your school may plan a visit to the National War Memorial. Before visiting, check with the teacher or parents, and make sure to understand the poem’s theme by relating it to the memorial. It’s always a good idea to visit the official website or contact them for any updates or requirements for the visit.

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