NCERT Class 6 English Poorvi Chapter 7 Question Answer Neem Baba

Let us do these activities before we read. (Page 75)

Question 1:
A tree is useful to us in many ways. Mention some of these uses. Write them in the picture given below.

  • Trees give us oxygen to breathe.
  • Trees provide shade and coolness.
  • They help prevent soil erosion.
  • Trees give us fruits, flowers, and wood.
  • Trees help in maintaining the balance of nature.

Question 2:
Neem is a common tree in our country. Discuss in groups of four and fill Columns A and B with what you know about the neem tree and what you want to know.

Column A (What do you know?) Column B (What do you want to know?)
Indian tree How large are their leaves?
Bitter taste Why is neem not used as a vegetable?
Fruits are sweet More uses of neem in agriculture

Let us discuss (Page 77)

Question 1:
Amber found many facts about the neem tree from Neem Baba. Fill up the fact sheet based on what Neem Baba told her.

  • Common Name: Neem
  • Indian tree
  • Uses of Leaves: Leaves are used to protect clothes from termites.
  • Life Span: Neem trees live for a long time.

Fact Sheet About Neem:

  • Common name: Neem
  • Period of birth: Millions of years ago
  • Born at: North India, Myanmar
  • Found in: Asian, African countries, and parts of America
  • Names given by scientists: “Bitter grace of God” and “Nature’s gift to man”
  • Names given by common people: “Magic tree” and “The tree of the twentieth century”

Let us discuss (Page 80)

Question 1:
How is neem useful to farmers?
Neem helps farmers by using neem seed powder, which is mixed with water and sprayed on crops. This protects crops from termites, insects, and locusts. It also helps to control the breeding of mosquitoes.

Question 2:
Mention some of the uses of the neem tree.

  • Neem wood is used for furniture, and it cannot be attacked by termites.
  • Neem leaves protect stored grains from pests.
  • Neem purifies the air.
  • People clean their teeth using neem twigs.
  • All parts of the neem tree are used for making medicines.

Let us think and reflect (Page 81)

Question 1:
You just read about the Neem tree. Write any two facts that surprised you the most.

  • All parts of the neem tree have medicinal value.
  • Furniture made from neem wood cannot be attacked by termites.

Question 2:
Complete the following sentences.
(a) The old man asked Amber to call him Neem Baba because he was very old.
(b) Neem seed powder protects crops from termites, mosquitoes, insects, and locusts.
(c) Powdered neem seeds mixed with water spray is a cost-effective method to stop mosquitoes from breeding in stagnant water.
(d) One reason why doctors advise us to use neem leaves for someone suffering from measles is to kill germs and provide comfort to the patient.

Question 3:
Why can Neem Baba not remember the year when he was born?
Neem Baba does not remember the year he was born because he has been alive for millions of years.

Question 4:
Which parts of the neem tree are used to make medicines?
All parts of the neem tree (leaves, bark, flowers, seeds, etc.) are used to make medicines.

Let us learn (Page 81)

Question 1:
Study these words from the text.

The compound words are put into three categories:

  • Open compound words (words with space between them):
    • Something
    • Seed powder
    • Grandmother
  • Closed compound words (words with no space):
    • Neem oil
    • Well-known
    • Well-trained
  • Hyphenated compound words (words with a hyphen):
    • Cleanliness-parting
    • Thought-provoking

Question 2:
Match the verbs in the first column (present) with verbs in the second column (past).

Present Past Sentence Example
Become Became I want to become a teacher.
Find Found I can find my way home.
Make Made Make a doll for me.
Discover Discovered I can discover the way home.
Tell Told Don’t tell lies.
Give Gave Give me my book.

Question 3:
Neem Baba speaks to Amber as if he is a person. This type of speech is called personification. Let’s look at some more examples.

Personification is when non-living things are given human qualities. Here are the examples:

  • The leaves whispered in the wind.
    This means the leaves made a soft, rustling sound when the wind passed through them, as if they were whispering.
  • The flowers danced merrily in the breeze.
    This means the flowers swayed joyfully in the wind, as if they were dancing.

By personifying the trees or flowers, writers can make nature seem alive and full of energy, making the writing more interesting.

Let us listen (Page 83)

Peepal Baba

Rahul: Maa, have you heard about Peepal Baba? Our teacher told us about him today.
Mother: I have not heard about him. Who is he and what does he do?
Rahul: He plants trees with his team. He also started a movement to plant and save trees.
Mother: That’s wonderful! Where did he get this idea from?
Rahul: His English teacher gave him the idea when he was 11 years old.
Mother: How did he plant so many trees?
Rahul: He was born into an army family. Whenever they moved to a new city, he planted more trees.
Mother: How did he become known as Peepal Baba?
Rahul: He planted Peepal and Neem trees, and people made fun of him by calling him Peepal Baba. But he kept planting trees, and now everyone calls him Peepal Baba lovingly.
Mother: He is doing great work. We should plant more trees.
Rahul: Yes, Maa. We must tell others to do the same.

Listen and select the correct statements:
(a) The mother was surprised to know that Peepal Baba had planted trees all over the country.
(b) The mother disliked the work being done by Peepal Baba.
(c) The mother wanted to know more about Peepal Baba.
(d) The boy decided to take care of trees by listening to Peepal Baba’s journey.
(e) The boy was worried about what his teacher had told him.

The correct statements are:

  • (a) The mother was surprised to know that Peepal Baba had planted trees all over the country.
  • (c) The mother wanted to know more about Peepal Baba.
  • (d) The boy decided to take care of trees by listening to Peepal Baba’s journey.

Let us speak (Page 83)

Question 1:
Collect dry leaves of four different trees and plants around you.

Do it in your class with teacher’s guidance.

Question 2:
Speak about the whole process of making the card in front of the class.
Do it as a classroom activity. Here’s an example to help you:

“Today, I made a card using a leaf from the Neem tree. First, I collected a dry leaf and drew its shape on the card. Then, I colored it and wrote its name and use. Neem leaves are used for medicinal purposes and to protect grains. I hope you like the card!”

Let us write (Page 84)

Write a paragraph about a tree that you like in your neighborhood.

The Majestic Banyan Tree
There is a huge banyan tree in the park near my home. It is very tall with thick roots hanging down from the branches. The leaves are big and shiny, providing a lot of shade. In the summer, it’s very cool to sit under it. I like this tree because it provides a peaceful place to relax and is home to many birds. The banyan tree is not just beautiful, but it also helps people and animals find shelter.

Let us explore (Page 84)

Neem Tree Names in Indian Languages:

Name Language
Nimb Hindi
Nirn Punjabi
Leemba Marathi
Nimori Gujarati
Nimbamond Bengali
Nimbe Kannada
Nirno Tamil

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