Unit 2 I am Lucky

Book: National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT)
Board: Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
Class: 2
Subject: English
Chapter: 2
Chapters Name: I am Lucky
Medium: English

I am Lucky | Class 2 English | NCERT Books Solutions

Summary In English

This poem is about the feelings of a young girl. The girl thinks if she were any other creature like a butterfly, myna, fish, elephant, kangaroo or octopus, she would be happy and thankful to God for everything she had in her life. But in the end of the poem she thinks she is lucky for what she is. She also asks questions to the readers if they are happy and satisfied with what they had in her life. And if they feel themselves lucky.

Summary In Hindi

इस कविता में एक युवा लड़की की भावनाओं को व्यक्त किया गया है। वह लड़की सोचती है कि यदि वह अन्य जीवों, जैसे-तितली, मैना, मछली, हाथी, कंगारू या ऑक्टोपस जैसा होती तो वह खुश होती तथा जो भी चीज उसके जीवन में होती उसके लिए वह ईश्वर को धन्यवाद देती। किंतु कविता के अंत में वह सोचती है कि वह जो भी है, उसके लिए भाग्यशाली है। वह पाठकों से भी यह सवाल करती है कि क्या वे आज जो कुछ भी हैं, उससे प्रसन्न तथा संतुष्ट हैं? क्या वे उसके लिए अपने आप को भाग्यशाली समझते हैं?

Hindi Translation Of The Poem

1. If I were a butterfly
I would be thankful
For my wings.
If I were a myna in a tree
I would be thankful
That I could sing.

यदि मैं तितली होती
तो अपने पंखों के लिए
धन्यवाद देती।
यदि मैं पेड़ पर बैठी मैना होती
तो मैं इस बात के लिए धन्यवाद देती
कि मैं गा सकती हैं।

Word-Meanings : Lucky ( लकी )-blessed, भाग्यशाली। Butterfly ( बटरफ़्लाई )-an insect with beautiful wings, तितली। Thankful ( बैंकफुल )-filled with feelings of thanks, धन्यवाद देना। Wings ( विंग्स )–a feather of birds, पंख। Myna ( मैना )-a small bird, मैना।

2. If I were a fish in the sea
I would be thankful
That I can wriggle and giggle with glee.
So, I just think I am lucky to be “me”.
Not “you” but “me”.

यदि मैं समुद्र की मछली होती
तो मैं उत्साहपूर्वक तैरने के लिए
धन्यवाद देती।
अतः मैं केवल यही सोचती हूँ
मैं अपने लिए भाग्यशाली हूँ।
तुम जैसी नहीं, बल्कि अपने जैसी।

Word-Meanings : Sea ( सी )-a large water body, समुद्र Wriggle ( रिगल )-to move slowly, रेंगना। Giggle ( गिगल ) -to laugh loudly, तीव्र स्वर में हँसना। Glee ( ग्ली )-happiness, खुशी।

3. If I were an elephant
I would be thankful
That I can raise my trunk.
If I were a kangaroo
I would try to hop
Right up to the moon.

यदि मैं हाथी होती
तो अपने सँड को उठा पाने के लिए
धन्यवाद देती।
यदि मैं कंगारू होती
तो ऊपर चाँद तक
उछलने का प्रयास करती।

Word-Meanings : Trunk ( ट्रंक )- a long hose of an elephant, हाथी की सूंड़ ( हाँप )-to jump, उछलना।

4. If I were an octopus
I would be thankful
For my eight arms.
So I just think I am lucky to be “me”.
Not “you”, but “me”.

यदि मैं अष्टभुज होती
तो अपने आठ भुजाओं के लिए
धन्यवाद देती।
इसलिए मैं बस इतना सोचती हूँ
मैं ‘तुम’ जैसी नहीं बल्कि ‘अपने’ जैसी हूँ।

Word-Meanings : Octopus ( ऑक्टोपस )-a strange sea creature having eight arms, अष्टभुज।

5. What do you think you want to be?
Do you want to be like me?
Or just you? Just you …..

तुम क्या बनना चाहते हो?
क्या तुम मेरी तरह बनना चाहते हो?
या केवल अपनी तरह, केवल अपनी तरह …..

Word-Meanings : Think ( थिंक )-to give a thought, सोचना।


Reading is Fun
Question 1.
Complete these sentences :
इन वाक्यों को पूरा करो :

Answer :


Let’s Talk
Question 1.
Why do you think the butterfly likes its wings?
तुम ऐसा क्यों सोचते हो कि तितली को अपने पंख पसंद हैं?
Answer :
I think the butterfly likes its wings because they look beautiful and she can fly with these wings.

Question 2.
What can the myna do?
मैना क्या कर सकती है?
Answer :
The myna can sing.

Question 3.
What can you do- sing/paint/ write ………..?
तुम क्या कर सकते हो-गीत गाना/चित्रकारी/ लेखन ………..?
Answer :
I can sing, paint and also write.

Question 4.
Do you think the fish was really happy to be in the water?
क्या तुम ऐसा सोचते हो कि मछली वास्तव में पानी के अंदर खुश थी?
Answer :
Yes, I think fish was really happy to be in the water.

Question 5.
What are the lucky things that have happened to you? Tell your friends in the class.
तुम्हारे साथ कौन-कौन-सी सुखद बातें हुई हैं? कक्षा में अपने दोस्तों को बताओ।
Answer :
Do it yourself.

Let’s Listen
Question 1.
Kang has a dream
Kang flew into the sky.
He flew to the moon.
He flew through a cloud.
He slipped down a tree.
Kang woke up with a bang.
Answer :
Do it yourself.

Silence Game
Question 1.
Close your eyes
and hear your
teacher say the
following words :
Butterfly, Myna,
fish, elephant,

With your eyes still shut, imagine
that you are seeing these
creatures. Open your eyes and
move like they do.
अपनी आँखों को बंद कर लो तथा अपने शिक्षक के द्वारा बोले गए निम्नलिखित शब्दों को सुनोः
तितली, मैना, मछली, हाथी, कंगारू। अपनी बंद आँखों से इस बात की कल्पना करो कि तुम इन जीवों को। देख रहे हो।
अपनी आँखों को खोलो तथा जैसा वे करते हैं, वैसा करो।
Answer :
Do it yourself with the help of the teacher.


Let’s Draw
Question 1.
Complete the pictures and label them :
दिए गए चित्रों को पूरा करो तथा उसके अंगों को अंकित करोः

Answer :


Let’s Write and Act
Question 1.
Fill in the blanks using the hint words given below :
रिक्त स्थानों को संकेत शब्दों की सहायता से भरो:
(i) If I were a kangaroo, I would______.
(ii) If I were a tiger, I would______.
(iii) If I were a fish, I would______.
(iv) If I were a bird, I would ______.
Answer :
(i) If I were a kangaroo, I would hop.
(ii) If I were a tiger, I would roar.
(iii) If I were a fish, I would swim.
(iv) If I were a bird, I would fly.

Question 2.
Now hop, roar, swim and fly like them.
अब उनके जैसा उछले, दहाड़ने; तैराने तथा उड़ने का अभिनय करो।
Answer :
So it yourself

Say Aloud
Question 1.
(i) oc – to – pus
(ii) el – e – phant
(iii) butt – er – fly
(iv) kan – ga- roo

Answer :
Do it yourself.

Let’s Draw
Question 1.
Complete this picture and Draw some plants, shells, stones and fish.
इस चित्र को पूरा करो तथा कुछ पौधों, जीवों, पत्थरों तथा मछलियों का चित्रण करो।
Answer :

शेष चित्र विद्यार्थी स्वयं बनाएं।


Let’s Write
Question 1.
Add ‘ful’ to the words given in brackets and complete the sentences :
कोष्ठकों में दिए गए शब्दों में ‘ful’ शब्द जोड़कर वाक्यों को पूरा करोः
(i) You must be ______ to your friends. (help)
(ii) Make a ______ drawing. (colour)
(iii) The puppy is so ______. (play)
(iv) Be ______ while crossing the road. (care)
Answer :
(i) You must be helpful to your friends.
(ii) Make a colourful drawing.
(iii) The puppy is so playful.
(iv) Be careful while crossing the road.

Question 2.
Join the two words to make one word. Look at the example.

Answer :

Question 3.
Write five things you can do. Start with ‘I can ______
उन पाँच कार्यों को लिखो, जिन्हें तुम कर सकते ‘I can ______ के साथ शुरुआत करो।
(i) I can ______.
(ii) ________________.
(iii) ________________.
(iv) ________________.
(v) ________________.
(vi) I cannot ______but I can ______.
(vii) I cannot ______ but I can ______.
(viii) I cannot ______. but I can ______.
Answer :
(i) I can read.
(ii) I can play.
(iii) I can run.
(iv) I can write.
(v) I can eat.
(vi) I cannot fly but I can run.
(vii) I cannot crawl but I can walk.
(viii) I cannot chirp but I can sing.

Question 4.

Answer :
Do it yourself.

Let’s Practise

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