Business Condolence Letter

Business Condolence Letter

11th September 2011

Jack Daniels
Ashton Villa,
Square Street, Washington D.C.

Dear Mr. Jack Daniels

We here at Dexter’s Laboratory are sorrowed to hear of the loss of your son Bien Daniels. Please allow me, on behalf of all of us at Dexter’s Laboratory to extend our sympathies to you and your family.

Your son was a valuable asset to this company and I cannot comprehend that he is will not be among us anymore. We mourn the loss along with you and pray for the departed soul.

We are here to help in any way we can and do call us as if not anything we can certainly share your pain.

Sincerely ,

Jim Ross
Dexter’s Laboratory
Phone: 98-77789, 77790
Mobile: 0988-99976


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