NCERT Solutions for Class 1 to 12, Free CBSE NCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions The candidates who are studying under CBSE board and in search for NCERT Solutions can refer to this article to this article. In this article, we have listed down the NCERT Solutions for Class 1 to Class 12 for all the subjects updated for new academic session 2022-23 in PDF format.

Yoga – A Way of Life Class 6th English Poorvi Chapter 12 Let Us Do These Activities Before We Read (Page 122) Question 1: What do you know about yoga? Discuss in pairs and share with the whole class. Answer: Yoga is an old practice that comes from India. It helps improve both the body […]
The Winner Class 6th English Poorvi Chapter 11 Question Answer Before we read (Page 115) Question 1: Look at this picture. (a) What are these children doing? (b) Where do you think they are? (c) What is the time of the day? Answer: (a) The children are playing. (b) They are in a park or […]
Let us do these activities before we read. (Page 103) Question 1: Which games or sports do you play? Answer: I play cricket. Question 2: Read the questions below. Talk about them and make a list. (a) Which games or sports do you play for fun? (b) Which games or sports do you play for […]
Let us do these activities before we read. (Page 93) Question 1: A spice is any part of a plant used to give taste and color to our food. Try to recall the names of three spices that are used for cooking in your home. Write them below and share your answers with your teacher. […]
Let us do these activities before we read. (Page 85) Question 1: Think of a time when you worked hard. What did you do then? How did it help you? How did it make you feel? Answer: I worked hard in my studies. I got good results. I was delighted and proud of my achievements. […]
Let us do these activities before we read. (Page 75) Question 1: A tree is useful to us in many ways. Mention some of these uses. Write them in the picture given below. Answer: Trees give us oxygen to breathe. Trees provide shade and coolness. They help prevent soil erosion. Trees give us fruits, flowers, […]
Let us do these activities before we read (Pages 59 – 60) Question 1: Write two words that come to your mind when you think of friendship. (a) Now, find some more words that are related to friendship from the grid given below. Answer: Do it yourself. Example words could include: “loyal,” “supportive,” “trustworthy.” (b) […]
Before You Read (Page 52) Question 1: Read the following sentences. (a) I wish my friend brings idli in her tiffin tomorrow. (b) I hope my friend and I win the race tomorrow. (c) May my friend get well soon. Which of the three sentences (a)-(c) is closest to a prayer? Explain to your teacher […]
Before You Read (Page 39) Question 1: Friends are an important part of our lives. Why do you think so? Share your ideas with your friend. What do you do when you are with your friends and how do you feel? Answer: Friends are important because they make us happy, help us when we need […]
Before You Read 1. Identify the following people. How do they help us when we are in trouble? Policeman: He catches thieves and helps protect us. Doctor: She treats us when we are sick or injured. Firefighter: He puts out fires and saves people during emergencies. 2. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence: […]